CICCC 專屬優惠👆
網頁&應用程式開發文憑課程 (含CO-OP實習)
Web & Mobile App Development
In the first three months, students are learning the fundamentals of programming with the following courses. After the successful completion of the modules below, each student starts learning more advanced web development courses to enhance their coding skills.
Thus, web development courses in Canada will not only help students to gain more knowledge in each web development language but also will provide hands-on experience. Our practical teaching methodologies will help you find the fastest way to become a front-end developer in Canada.
24個月 12個月課堂學習 + 12個月CO-OP實習 |
1.高中畢業(或同等學歷)未獲得高中畢業文憑但已年滿18周歲也可申請需具備基礎電腦知識 2.英語水平需達到以下任意一項: |
2023:08/28 2024:01/02 *選課日期會對應不同的上課時段,另可能因為上課人數眾多同一期開第二時段的課程(請洽顧問) 上課時段: 上午班:8:30 AM – 12:30 PM |
EXP+ 專案
CICCC 新推出 EXP+專案,旨在讓學生能夠善用「學業完成後,準備進入實習Co-op前」的4個月,參與此專案的學生,在這4個月的期間內能夠選擇全職工作、在加拿大旅遊、找尋合適的實習工作或其他安排。
計算機概論 101 Introduction to Computing
This web development course is introductory to the basics of computer hardware, software, and operating systems. Students will use this knowledge to understand and distinguish between programming languages and their respective platforms.
演算法、流程圖及解決問題 102 Algorithms, Flow Charts & Problem Solving
Understanding the vocabulary, grammar, and syntax is key to solving programming problems. All programming languages have been created around a fundamental set of principles. This course introduces the theory and practice of programming logic without using a specific programming language, but rather the basic syntax and logic found in all programming languages.
物件導向程式設計 202 Introduction to Object Oriented Programing
Using different programming languages, students are introduced to object-oriented programming (OOP), the concept of organizing and grouping information within ‘objects’ used to contain data. Topics will include classes, objects, data types, constructors, methods, flow control, collections, data abstraction, modularity, testing, debugging, and specific object-oriented programming concepts such as encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.
APP開發一 401 Mobile Application Development I
This course focuses on developing iOS applications with Swift and Objective-C programming with more emphasis on iOS application development in Swift.
APP開發二 402 Mobile Application Development I
This course provides students with in-depth knowledge to work on applications on different mobile platforms. It supports the broad deployment of developed apps to hundreds of millions of users across a wide range of devices from phones to tablets and beyond.
Swift 程式語言 Swift Programming
Swift is an intuitive programming language developed by and specifically for Apple applications including macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS. In this course, students will develop a basic understanding of core mobile programming procedures using the Swift language while focusing on mobile application development for iOS systems.
專案成果 Program Project
This course gives students the opportunity to practice and apply the knowledge they have gained to create a real-world Web, iOS, or Android application. The students will create a proposal for their development project and submit it to their instructor for approval. Once approved, students will develop and demonstrate their project with a final presentation.
優惠請參考 CICCC 專屬優惠
※ 以上資料若有異動,則以學校公告為主。
更多資訊歡迎來電: 02-27526862