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***請留意,若出現申請過程與以下狀況不相符 或是 申請資料有錯誤,請聯繫加拿大官方詢問***
- 收到邀請信10天內從網站點選接受或拒絕邀請
- 接受邀請後20天內要上傳要求的文件
- 繳費後30天內完成生物辨識,
- PoE會有一年內入境期限
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點選I Accept
Days left to submit下方數字代表:還剩幾天需開始申請。
開始申請IEC打工度假簽證,點選Start application
(點選Start application後,20天內要上傳加打所有文件)
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婚姻狀況是下拉式選單,(例如:Never Married/Single未婚單身)依實際狀況回答,再點Next
已婚 Married
分居 Legally separated
離婚 Divorced
無效婚姻 Annulled Marriage
配偶死亡 Widowed
同居 Common-Law
未婚 Never Married/Single
【HelloStudy專業提醒:身份證無法輸入字母時,請對照下表,並在Client Information補充告知】
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第七題:請填寫加拿大簽證號碼,如UCI, eTA等號碼。僅接受八碼或十碼數字,可免填。
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點選第二個Continue form
電話類型有三個可以選填,這裡選擇最後一個 Cellular 手機
住家 Residence
公司 Business
手機 Cellular
Canada/US 加拿大/美國
Other 其他國家
下面會多一格Country code,填入國碼,例如台灣的886,不要加號+
手機電話號碼請去掉開頭的零,記得要先點選Save and add,再點選Next
第一行(可免填)填入樓,如 1F
第二行(必填)填入號,如 9
第三行(必填)填入巷弄,如 Ln 265
第五行(必填)填入國家 Taiwan
第八行( 必填)開始居住日期,年、月、日
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點選Save and exit
點選第三個 Continue form
勾選「在職中Ongoing」者,不需要填寫離職日End date
選擇職業別Occupation (require),依個人狀況選擇。(剛畢業的同學可以在此選學生)
Homemaker 家管
Retired 退休
Student 學生
Unemployed 待業
Art, culture, recreation and sport occupations 藝術文化休閒運動
Business, finance and administration occupations 金融商業行政職
Education, law and social, community and government services occupations 教育法律政府服務業
Health occupations 健康相關職
Management occupations 管理職
Manufacturing and utilities occupations 製造
Military/armed forces 軍職
Natural and applied science and related occupations 自然及應用科學
Natural resources, agriculture and related occupations 天然資源與農業
Sales and service occupations 銷售服務
Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations 貿易運輸
Name of employer or school, as appropriate 填入公司或機關學校名稱
Job title 選擇的177個職稱:
Train crew operating occupations 列車乘務人員
Aerospace Control Officer 航太管制人員
Aerospace Control Operator 航太管制操作員
Aerospace Engineer Officer 航太工程人員
Aerospace Telecommunication and Information Technician 航太電信資訊技術人員
Air Combat Systems Technician
Armour Officer 裝甲軍官
Armoured Soldier 裝甲士兵
Artillery Officer 砲兵人員
Artillery Soldier – Field 砲兵-野戰
Artillery Soldier – Air Defence 砲兵-防空
Aviation Systems Technician 航空機體系統技術人員
Avionics Systems Technician 航空儀器系統技術人員
Biomedical Electronics Technologist
Boatswain 水手長
Combat Engineer 戰鬥工兵
Communications and Electronics Engineering (Air) Officer
Communicator Research Operator
Construction Technician 營建技師
Cook 炊事兵
Dental Officer 牙醫官
Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Officer
Electrical Distribution Technician
Electrical Generating Systems Technician
Engineer Officer 工程軍官
Fire Fighter 消防人員
Geomatics Technician 空間資訊科學技術人員
Health Care Administration Officer 醫療管理人員
Imagery Technician 影像技術人員
Infantry Officer 步兵軍官
Infantry Soldier 步兵士兵
Intelligence Officer, Naval Reserve
Intelligence Operator
Land Communications and Information Systems Technician
Legal Officer 軍法軍官
Line Technician 傳動系統技術人員
Logistics (Support), Naval Reserve Officer
Logistics Officer 物流軍官
Maritime Surface and Sub-surface Officer
Medical Officer 醫軍官
Medical Technician 醫療技術人員
Military Police 憲兵
Military Police Officer 憲兵軍官
Mobile Support Equipment Operator
Musician 音樂家
Naval Combat Information Operator
Naval Communicator
Nursing Officer 醫護軍官
Personnel Selection Officer 人事選擇軍官
Pharmacy Officer 醫藥軍官
Pilot 飛行員
Plumbing and Heating Technician 管路及暖氣技術人員
Port Inspection Diver 港口檢查潛水員
Public Affairs Officer 公務官員
Refrigeration and Mechanical Systems Technician
Resource Management Support Clerk, Air Reserve
Resource Management Support Clerk, Army Reserve
Resource Management Support Clerk, Naval Reserve
Signal Operator 訊號操作員
Signals (Officer)
Supply Technician, Air Reserve 空軍預備補給技術人員
Supply Technician, Army Reserve 陸軍預備補給技術人員
Supply Technician, Naval Reserve 海軍預備補給技術人員
Traffic Technician
Vehicle Technician, Army Reserve 陸軍預備車輛技術人員
Water, Fuels and Environmental Technician
Weapons Technician / Land 武器技術人員 / 陸地
Administrative and regulatory occupations 行政管理職
Administrative services supervisors 行政服務主管
Auditors, accountant, and investment professionals 審計、會計、投資專業人員
Court reporters, transcriptionists, recorders management technicians and statistical officers 法院記錄員、醫療記錄員、記錄管理技術人員及數據庫官員
Finance, insurance and related business administrative occupations 財務、保險相關商業行政職業類
Financial, insurance and related administrative support workers 財務、保險相關行政支援工作者
General office workers 行政總務人員
Human resources and business service professionals 人力資源與商業服務專業人員
Library, correspondence and other clerks 書信、傳達、其他人員
Mail and message distribution occupations 郵務分送職
Office equipment operators 辦公設備作業員
Supply chain logistics, tracking and scheduling coordination occupations 供應鏈物流、追蹤、排程協調職業類
College and other vocational instructors 學院及其他職業教師
Home care providers and educational support occupations 居家照護及教育支援職業類
Judges, lawyers, and notaries 法官、律師、公證人
Legal and public protection support occupations 法律及公共保護支援職業類
Occupations in front-line pubic protection services 公共保護服務前線職業類
Paraprofessional occupations in legal, social, community and education services 法律、社會、社區與教育服務專業職業類
Policy and program researchers, consultants and officers 政策及專案研究員、諮商師、官員
Secondary and elementary school teachers and educational counsellors 中小學教師及教育諮詢師
Social and community service professionals 社會服務專業人員
University professors and post-secondary assistants 大學教授及高教助理
Assisting occupations in support of health services 健康服務支援職業類
Medical technologists and technicians 醫療技師和技術人員
Optometrists, chiropractors, other health diagnosing and treating professionals 驗光師、脊椎指壓治療師、其他健康診斷與治療專業人員
Other technical occupations in health care 其他健康照護技術人員
Pharmacists, dieticians and nutritionists 藥劑師、營養師、營養學家
Physicians, dentists and veterinarians 內科醫生、牙醫、獸醫
Professional occupations in nursing 護理專業
Technical occupations in dental health care 牙齒保健技術職
Therapy and assessment professionals 療程與評估專業人員
Administrative services managers 行政服務經理人
Corporate sales managers 企業業務經理人
Legislators and senior management, including political officials 立法委員、資深管理者,包含政治官員
Managers in agriculture, horticulture and aquaculture 農、園藝、水產經理人
Managers in art, culture, recreation and aquaculture 藝術、文化、娛樂、水產經理人
Managers in communication 溝通經理人
Managers in construction, facility operation and maintenance 營建、設施作業、維護經理人
Managers in customer and personal services 顧客、個人服務經理人
Managers in education and social and community services 教育、社區服務經理人
Managers in engineering, architecture, science and information systems 工程、建築、科學、資訊系統經理人
Managers in financial and business services 財務、商業服務經理人
Managers in food service and accommodation 食品服務、住宿安排經理人
Managers in health care 健康照護經理人
Managers in manufacturing and utilities 製造業和公用事業經理人
Managers in natural resources production and fishing 天然資源生產與漁業經理人
Managers in public administration 公共行政經理人
Managers in transportation 運輸業經理人
Retail and wholesale trade managers 零售批發貿易經理人
Central control and process operators in processing and manufacturing 加工與製造相關中央控制與處理作業員
Labourers in processing, manufacturing and utilities 加工、製造、公用事業勞工
Machine operators and related workers in chemical, plastic and processing 化學、塑膠、製造相關機器作業及工作員
Machine operators and related workers in food, beverage, and associated products processing 食品、飲料、產品加工相關機器作業及工作員
Machine operators and related workers in mineral and metal products processing and manufacturing 礦、金屬產品加工與製造相關機器作業及工作員
Machine operators and related workers in pulp and paper production and wood processing and manufacturing 紙漿和紙張生產和木材加工相關機器作業及工作員
Machine operators and related workers in textile, fabric, fur and leather products processing and manufacturing
Mechanical, electrical and electronics assemblers 機械與電機、電子組裝員
Other assembly and related occupations 其它組裝相關職
Printing equipment operators and related occupations 印刷設備作業相關職
Supervisors in assembly and fabrication 組裝製造主管
Supervisors in processing and manufacturing occupations 加工製造主管
Utilities equipment operators and controllers 公營設備作業及控制員
Architects, urban planner and land surveyors 建築/城市規劃師、土地測量員
Civil, mechanical, electrical and chemical engineers (公共/機械/電氣/化學)工程師
Computer and information systems professionals 電腦資訊系統專業人員
Life science professionals 生命科學專業人員
Mathematicians, statisticians and actuaries 數學家、統計學家、精算師
Other engineers 其它工程師
Other technical inspectors and regulatory officers 其它技術檢查與管理人員
Physical science professionals 物理科學專業人員
Technical occupations in architecture, drafting, surveying, geomatics and meteorology
Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering 公共與機械、工業工程技術職
Technical occupations in computer and information systems 電腦與資訊系統技術職
Technical occupations in electronics and electrical engineering 電子與電機技術職
Technical occupations in life sciences 生命科學技術職
Technical occupations in physical science 物理科學技術職
Transportation officers and controllers 運輸主管與指揮
Agriculture and horticulture workers 農業、園藝工作人員
Contractors and supervisors in agriculture, horticulture and related operations and services 農業、園藝營運與服務承包商與主管
Contractors and supervisors in mining, oil, and gas 油、礦、天然氣承包商與主管
Fishing vessel masters and fisherman/fisherwomen 船長(漁撈長)、漁夫
Harvesting, landscaping and natural resources labourers 收成、環境美化、天然資源勞動人員
Logging and forestry workers 林木業工人
Logging machinery operators 伐木機械操作員
Mine service workers and operators in oil and gas drilling 礦業服務工人、油氣鑽探工人
Other workers in fishing and trapping and hunting occupations 漁捕獵業其他工人
Supervisors, logging and forestry 林木業主管
Underground miners, oil and gas drillers and related occupations 礦藏石油天然氣相關職
Butchers and bakers 屠夫與烘焙師
Cashiers 收銀員
Chefs and cooks 廚師
Cleaners 清潔人員
Customer and information services representatives 顧客資訊服務代表
Food counter attendants, kitchen helpers and related support occupations 餐廚人員
Insurance, real estate and financial sales occupations 保險不動產財務銷售職
Occupations in food and beverage services 飲食服務職
Occupations in travel and accommodation 住宿旅遊職
Other occupations in personal services 其它個人服務職
Other sales support and related occupations 其它銷售支援相關職
Other service support and related occupations 其它服務支援相關職
Retail sales supervisors 零售業銷售主管
Retail salespersons 零售業銷售員
Sales and account representatives 銷售會計代表
Security guards and related security service occupations 保全相關職
Service supervisors 服務業主管
Specialized occupations in personal and customer services (個人/顧客服務)專職
Support occupations in accommodation, travel and amusement services (住宿/旅遊/娛樂服務)支援職
Technical sales specialist in wholesale trade and retail and wholesale buyers (批發/零售貿易)技術銷售專員、批發採購
Tourism and amusement services occupations 娛樂觀光服務職
City/town請填入城市,如 Taipei。記得要先按Save and add儲存。
Name of school/institution填寫學校的英文名。
學校名稱填完後,學歷欄位Level of Study,大學請點選Bachelor’s degree。其它請參考下列
Bachelor’s degree 學士學位
Master’s degree 碩士學位
Non-university certificate/diploma 非大學證書/文憑
PhD 博士
Secondary 高中職
Trade/apprenticeship 職業訓練
專業領域Field of study,下拉點選學歷的領域
Arts, General (Humanities/Social Sciences) 人文社會科學
Arts, Fine/Visual/Performing 藝術視覺表演
Business/Commerce 商業貿易
Computing/Information Technology 電腦資訊科技
English or French as Second Language 英法第二語言
Flight Training 航空訓練
Hospitality/Tourism 飯店觀光
Law 法律
Medicine 醫藥
Science, Applied 應用科學
Science, General 通識科學
Science, Health 健康科學
Trades/Vocational 專業貿易
Theology/Religious Studies 宗教研究
Other 其它
Agriculture, Agriculture Operations and Related Sciences 農業經營
Architecture and Related Services 建築相關服務
Biological and Biomedical Sciences 生醫科學
Business, Management, Marketing and Related Support Services 商管行銷
下拉點選國家,Taiwan。填寫城市,如Taipei。填寫完成記得按Save and add
全部新增完成,請按Save and exit
剩下最後一項,請點選Continue form
之前有沒有參加過 IEC,下拉點選No,點選Next
這頁請據實回答以下九個問題,下拉選Yes/No。點選Save and exit
確定九個問題都填好,點選Save and exit
一、家庭資料 Family Information (IMM5645)
【HelloStudy專業提醒:請下載此PDF檔案,並使用Acrobat Reader DC開啟,最後記得存檔後上傳】
家庭成員資料表點選下載,分為SECTION A、SECTION B、SECTION C 三部分。
SECTION A 的部分,勾選Worker,填寫自己的中文及護照英文譯名、出生年月日、出生國家、婚姻狀況、現居地址、職業。
- Annulled marriage 無效婚姻
- Common-law 法定同居
- Divorced 離婚
- Legally separated 法定分居
- Married-physically present 實質婚姻
- Married-not physically present 締結婚姻
- Single 單身
- Widowed 配偶死亡
SECTION B 的部分,填寫申請人的子女名字。
如果沒有任何子女,直接在SECTION B 部分下方填寫時間。
SECTION C 的部分,填寫申請人的兄弟姊妹的中文及護照英文譯名,包括申請人父母所生的所有子女、繼子女。還有他們的中文及護照英文譯名、出生年月日、出生國家、婚姻狀況、現居地址、職業。最後在下方填寫時間。
二、個人簡歷/履歷 CV/résumé
CV/résumé通常以一頁為主,內容提及個人介紹、特殊成就、擁有證照、工作經驗、教育背景。請參考 在加拿大快速找工作?教你撰寫履歷小撇步
三、護照內頁電子檔 Passport/Travel Documents (Multiple)
準備好護照掃描檔。點選Upload File
確認上傳文件區是護照相關文件,點選Choose File
從電腦找出護照的電子檔所在檔案夾,點選開啟。再點選Upload File
【HelloStudy專業提醒:檔案名稱建議避免中文或符號,不然出現上傳檔案名稱變亂碼,如護照= 護照 】
Success uploading file: XXXXX 代表上傳成功,點選 Return to your documents
四、兩吋大頭照電子檔 Digital Photo
照片大小正面含肩,實際像素至少420×540,解析度要600 pixel以上,檔案格式建議要100KB以上,彩色24bits,RGB
【Hello Study 專業建議:近三個月內兩吋護照規格照片】
確認照片檔案大小在100KB以上,點選Upload File
確認上傳文件區是兩吋大頭照電子檔Digital Photo (Required),點選Choose File
從電腦找出兩吋大頭照所在檔案夾,點選開啟。再點選Upload File
Success uploading file: XXXXX 代表上傳成功
【HelloStudy專業提醒:檔案名稱建議避免中文或符號,不然出現上傳檔案名稱變亂碼,如護照= 護照 】
五、體檢證明 Proof of medical exam
醫院會負責上傳,記得要去醫院做體檢後,索取「體檢預約證明」。體檢醫院名單:台灣、加拿大(BC & ON)、澳洲
確認上傳文件區是體檢證明 Proof of medical exam (Required),點選Choose File
從電腦找出體檢預約證明所在檔案夾,點選開啟。再點選Upload File
Success uploading file: XXXXX 代表上傳成功
六、良民證 Police Certificates (Multiple)
點選Upload File
確認上傳文件區是良民證 Police Certificates (Multiple) (Required),點選Choose File
從電腦找出良民證所在檔案夾,點選開啟。再點選Upload File
Success uploading file: XXXXX 代表上傳成功
七、個人補充資料 Client Information
點選 I agree
點選 Sign
點選 I agree
點選 Transmit and pay
確認金額 $364.75加幣,點選 Transmit and pay
【HelloStudy專業提醒:若你有做過生物辨識,Total Price只有$272;生物辨識過期或沒做過生物辨識,生物辨識費用$85隨後會被要求】
金額 $272加幣,也請點選 Transmit and pay
點選信用卡/VISA金融卡/Debit Card支付方式。依卡片資料,填入正面持卡人姓名、卡號、效期、及背面檢查碼末三碼。點選 Process Transaction。
加幣 364.75 元,約新台幣 8,571 元(IEC費用加幣$179.75+開放式工作簽證申辦費加幣$100+生物特徵辨識申辦費$85)
付款後,會看到付款成功的畫面,記得擷取畫面當收據。點選 Return。
付款完成後,會收到Biometics Collection Letter。需於30天內至各地VAC壓指紋拍照。台灣申辦地點為VFS,申辦生物辨識圖文教學
【HelloStudy專業提醒:記得攜帶預約單、紙本Biometric Introduction Letter(BIL)、護照及護照影本2份、身分證明文件、VFS服務同意書】
Port of Entry Letter of Introduction (PoE) 上方會有入境期限,約是收到PoE的一年內。
當收到POE的PDF檔案後,需通知IRCC「我人在境內,請直接寄加打工簽work permit給我」。透過Webform聯絡IRCC,進入Webform第二頁開始,請參考以下內容:
* Type of application/enquiry (required)
簽證諮詢種類 (必填)
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Your message must be in English or French, Canada’s official languages. (Please limit the text to 1500 characters).
Note: If you are submitting an address change, include your new address (street name, street number, city, province, postal code and country). If you are submitting a change in email address, include and specify your old email address and your new email address.
A11EXAM: I am requesting an examination and the issuance of my work permit from within Canada. My application number is [W#########]. I have received my letter of introduction, which is valid until [DATE].
I entered Canada on [DATE] as a [visitor/student/worker]. My correct contact information in Canada is: Telephone: Mailing Address: Residential Address: Please include the appropriate following paragraph. Employer-specific work permit: My employer, [name], located at [address], may be contacted at [contact telephone or email] to confirm my continued employment offer. Open work permit: I attest that my circumstances remain the same and I still meet the requirements of the open work permit program I was approved for. |
1500 character(s) left
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