CCTB 數據工程與分析文憑 Diploma in Data Engineering and Analytics with Co-op

May 14, 2024

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CCTB 專屬優惠👆

數據工程與分析文憑 Diploma in Data Engineering and Analytics with Co-op




該課程將使您成為適合在現代化軟體開發企業中擔任 初/中級分析師職位的人選。該專業課程專為希望在資訊領域從事高級數據分析師職業的學生而設計。









有薪實習工作佔整個專案課程持續時間的 50%。 通過有薪工作經驗,您將有機會在行業內應用您新獲得的技能。



課程長度 課程133週
語言門檻 CCTB EAP Level 4/ IELTS 5.5/ TOEIC 605/ Duolingo 85
入學要求 高中畢業證書


開課日 CCTB開課日 2023>>


見 最新優惠>>
課程優勢 學生將具備獲得數據分析專業的知識、信心和實作經驗。在此課程中,您將學習分析、開發和實施複雜的數據結構以及專業地推銷自己能力
職涯機會 NOC 2173

  • 資料庫管理員
  • 數據分析師
  • 數據轉換分析師
  • 數據遷移專業技師
  • 數據架構師
  • 資料庫開發人員
  • 技術架構師


加拿大數據工程和分析的平均工資為每年63,081 加元或每小時 30.32 加元。初階職位的起薪為每年 44,923 加元,而資深員工的年薪高達 91,213 加元。


PTIB 批准的項目:

網路安全風險管理計劃已經過高等教育、技能和培訓部私人培訓機構處 (PTIB)註冊處的審查和批准。




Information Systems Management 

  • In this course, students will be introduced into the Information Technology Organizational Structure and become familiar with the different I.T. business units that make up an enterprise-level project and their respective roles. Students will gain an understanding of the effective collaboration and coordination of these different business units and roles in order to drive project objectives to the solution.
  • This course will introduce students to different Software Development Lifecycle models and frameworks and how projects are organized and initiated within each model.
  • This course will introduce the concept of business requirement interpretation and analysis and how they translate into a strategic objective for a project. Students will become familiar with issue tracking and reporting as well as become proficient in the Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) and Quality Center backtracking system software.

Introduction to Linux Administration 

  • This course is an introduction to Linux and Unix System Administration. Students will be introduced to a variety of topics including the underlying system architecture, command-line interface administration, device and filesystem management, networking, common administration practices and bash shell scripting.

Relational Database Systems and SQL 

  • In this course, students learn the tools and processes for data modelling in Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) and the Structured Query Language, SQL, to define and manipulate data.

Introduction to Data Structures, Design and Analysis

  • This course will develop the foundation skills and knowledge required for the design, implementation and analysis of data structures.

Business Analysis and Systems Design

  • In this course, students will learn the foundation of business analysis.

Probability and Statistics Fundamentals 

  • In this course, students will learn the main concept and methodology of statistics and the main concepts of probability.

Statistics for Data Analysis 

  • In this course, students will learn a programming language R that was created for statistical analysis. Will be able to apply multiple linear regression model and its components and approaches. ANOVA table. Correlations.

Applied Multivariate Statistical Analyst

  • In this course, students will learn a programming language R that was created for statistical analysis. Will be able to apply multiple linear regression model and its components and approaches. ANOVA table. Correlations.

Machine Learning

  • In this course, students will learn about artificial intelligence.

Data Warehouse (EDW) Concepts 

  • In this course, students will learn about artificial intelligence. In this course, students will learn how to design warehouses and create data integration workflows from multiple sources.

Visual Analysis for Business Intelligence (BI) with Tableau

  • In this course, students will learn about data visualization.

Business Intelligence (BI) with SSIS, SSAS, SSRS

  • In this course, students will learn about SQL Server services.

Advanced Topics in Data Analysis: Big Data, Data Mining, Cloud Computing

  • In this course, students will learn the main concepts of Big Data, Data Mining and Cloud Computing.

Security and Privacy Issues in Data Analytics

  • In this course, students will learn about the security and privacy issues of big data.

Employment Preparation Training

  • The purpose of this course is to prepare students for the employment upon completion of the program. This course will ready students through resume crafting, portfolio development, job search strategies, interview preparation and salary negotiations as well as career development training