Greystone 專屬優惠👆
◎ 在安大略省發展快速的旅遊業和酒店業中,快速找到工作所需的技能和認證
◎ 了解旅遊業和酒店業,並學習如何研究與時俱進的技能以滿足現在的市場需求
◎ 實習課程將幫助您獲得與課程相關的工作經驗
◎ 探索餐旅業各式各樣的工作機會
◎ 快速準備工作並將您的技能用於實習
◎ 了解團隊合作、溝通和解決問題重要性
◎ 獲得美國酒店與住宿教育學院 (AHLEI) 的國際認證
◎ 獲得安大略省酒精服務所需的 Smart Serve認證
◎ 將您的所學的技能應用在工作上,並在與餐旅業相關的實習中獲得加拿大企業的推薦信
餐旅業技能證書 Certificate in Hospitality Skills Co-op
校區: 多倫多
課程長度: 12週課程+2週工作安排課程+12周有薪實習
在這個為期 14 週的快速課程中,有效率地獲得相關知識、技能和經驗。 餐旅業技能證書將為您提供團隊合作、商務溝通、解決問題方面的實用技能。 對餐旅業的全面考察將使您更了解在這個領域中的各種工作機會。 專業的課程讓您在實習開始時做好工作準備,並確保您獲得安大略省餐旅業工作所需的認證。
AHLA餐飲服務課程 American Hotel and Lodging Association START ㆍProgram for Food & Beverage Service
Learn about food and beverage service, food sanitation, guest service, dining room and kitchen protocol, workplace safety, food terminology and wine knowledge. The course also takes you through various aspects of the hospitality institution operations and management. This subject complements Hospitality, Tourism and Travel information by providing the skills needed for one of the most common entry-level positions in the industry. Successful completion leads to an internationally recognized certificate from the American Hotel and Lodging Association (AHLA). START program is registered trademark of American Hotel and Lodging Association.
餐旅業資訊 Hospitality, Tourism & Travel Industry Information
In this course, students will gain the knowledge required to source and use current and emerging information on the hospitality, tourism and travel industry. Students will develop researcher skills in order to stay current on industry structure and technology issues. Personnel integrate this essential knowledge on a daily basis to work effectively in the industry.
餐廳服務課程 Restaurant Service Course
The Restaurant Service Course will teach you how to provide excellent food and beverage service while learning important protocols to ensure food safety and safe service of alcohol. The course will prepare you for entry-level food and beverage positions in the tourism and hospitality industry. Upon completion of the course, students will be prepared to take exams for the following certifications, which may be required for certain food and beverage jobs in Canada: – American Hotel and Lodging Education Institute START* Restaurant Server certification – Smart Serve ®** (Ontario) or Serving it Right (British Columbia) certification – Food Safety Basics / Food Safe Level 1 certification *START program is registered trademark of American Hotel and Lodging Association. **Smart Serve is a registered trademark of Smart Serve Ontario.
團隊合作 Working Effectively with Others
In this course, students will develop teamwork skills for the workplace. The course covers topics like working in a group environment, promoting team commitment and cooperation, supporting team members and dealing effectively with issues, problems and conflict.
生涯規劃 The Next Step
This course follows up with students after their work placement. It provides the student with a new perspective of their goals and achievements and prepares them to take the next step when they leave the program.
工作安排技能 Work Placement Skills
This course is delivered in two parts. In Part 1, students will develop the basic skills for finding and securing work in Canada – they will learn about resumes, cover letters, tax forms and more. Part 2 of the course is designed especially for Co-op students. It provides additional support to help students find and secure a co-op placement related to their studies and explains expectations and responsibilities during the work term.
◎ 餐飲服務員
◎ 前台接待員
◎ 活動人員
◎ 顧客服務人員
◎ 申請人必須完成一般的學校教育12年級學業(高中畢業),或持有大專院校認可的文憑或學位。
◎ 英文門檻: ILSC B4以上程度 、 iBT 35 或 IELTS 4.0
◎ 學生須達到入學條件的要求。
※ 以上資料若有異動,則以學校公告為主。
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更多資訊歡迎來電: 02-27526862