ILAC 每月的免費 workshops 體驗課程課表出爐囉,在多倫多和溫哥華現場直播。
舒適的家中探索加拿大的點點滴滴!每場體驗課約為 30分鐘,完全免費,需提前報名 (報名網址:點此)
ILAC 課程介紹 & 優惠 👈

Working in Canada
September 7 @ 12:00 pm
What are the unique challenges and requirements of holding a job in Canada? Find out in this informative workshop.

Pathway into Higher Education
September 20 @ 9:30 am
Transition to any one of our 100+ pathway partners in Canada and chase your university & college dreams!

English Conversation Club
September 27 @ 12:00 pm
Learn how to speak English fluently and fluidly in this back-and-forth conversation workshop where we go through natural dialogue.