SGIC 打工遊學課程 – 飯店營運 Hospitality Operations Co-op program

Feb 23, 2025

SGIC Hellostudy



SGIC 專屬優惠👆


飯店營運證書 Hospitality Operations Co-op Certificate



  • 30週課程和兼職工作
  • 30週全職工作




該課程是與“美國酒店及住宿教育學院”合作提供的。美國酒店及住宿教育學院 (AHLEI) 被廣泛認為是酒店認證領域的傑出領導者,它為酒店、飯店和旅遊業各個方面的酒店專業人士提供認證。


  1. 展示作為酒店、服務行業專業人士的知識和基礎技能。
  2. 概述預期的客戶服務和解決方案,以及組織的期望、標準和目標。
  3. 概述營銷概念, 市場研究、社交網絡、銷售和收入管理策略、關係管理技能和產品知識,以促進酒店服務、產品和賓客體驗。
  4. 解釋業務和收入模式以及基本會計、預算、財務和管理技能。
  5. 概述提高接待服務質量和交付的適當技術。
  6. 解釋如何跟上酒店業的趨勢和問題,以及更廣泛的行業部門中的相互依存關係,以提高工作績效。
  7. 展示領導力、團隊合作、衝突和關係管理技能和工具。


課程長度 60週(15個月)

  • 30週課程和兼職工作
  • 30週全職工作
語言門檻 SGIC 英語等級 6, TOEIC 托福 600, TOEFL 托福 iBT 35-45, Duolingo 80, IELTS 雅思 5 (需口試)
授課方式 實體&線上
職涯機會 畢業生將為各種酒店/旅遊職位做好準備:



1. Hospitality Today : An Introduction

This course introduces students to the history, organization and structure of hotels, restaurants, clubs, cruise ships, casino hotels and so forth. There are lessons on business ethics, franchising, management contracts, and areas of responsibility such as human resources, marketing and sales, and advertising.

2. Business Communication / Service

This course emphases the importance of effective communication in business relevant to hospitality; customer service and career development. It allows students to develop and demonstrate the competences needed in the workplace and for their future careers.

3. Managing Service in Food and Beverage Operations

This course teaches students how to manage quality dining service and deal with various challenges. Topics include alcohol service, menu development, sanitation, safety, security, health, legal issues, labour and revenue control. Students will also learn about onsite food and beverage market segments.

4. Managing Housekeeping Operations

This course is designed to provide students with the principles of housekeeping management as they apply specifically to the hospitality industry.

5. Managing Front Office Operations

This course presents a systematic approach to front office procedures by detailing the flow of business through a hotel, from the reservations process to checkout and account settlement. The course also examines the various elements of effective front office management, paying particular attention to the planning and evaluation of front office operations and to human resources management. Front office procedures and management are placed within the context of the overall operation of a hotel.

6. Supervision in the Hospitality Industry

This course teaches students the supervisory skills for hospitality careers. Topics include conflict management, motivation, on- boarding, technology and social media for recruiting and reference checks, training costs and benefits, and employee scheduling software.

7. Hospitality Sales and Marketing

This course is designed to provide students with accurate and authoritative information as well as a basic understanding of sales and marketing in the hospitality industry. Students will be introduced to proven marketing strategies and examine how these strategies are successfully implemented in marketing hospitality services and products. Students will be provided with a clear understanding of internal marketing and sales as well as advertising, public relations and publicity.

8. Managing Technology in the Hospitality Industry

This course provides an overview of the information needs of lodging properties and food service establishments. Students will learn the basics of purchasing, implementing, maintaining, and managing a variety of technology systems used in hospitality.

9. Hotel and Restaurant Accounting

This course covers the changes in financial information processing in 21st century accounting. Students will learn the business vocabulary and financial skills for the hospitality industry. Students will also learn how accounting helps owners and management make wise business decisions.

10. Capstone project

This course is designed to be a capstone project for the hospitality certificate program and provides a framework to explore starting a related business or working as an independent hospitality professional.

11. Work experience (Co-op)

Activities that a student will undertake during their work experience:

  1. Participate under supervision in a suitable work placement which aligns with an appropriate work setting.
  2. Participate in workplace activities normally associated with an
    entry level position.
  3. Participate in activities which will allow the student to meet the learning outcomes / objectives of the work experience


※ 以上資料若有異動,則以學校公告為主。



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