2024 最新優惠
🌟 免申請費優惠
*優惠至2024/11/30、適用於: 2025年1/5/9開課
- 學術英文準備 English for academic preparation:
- 就讀 EAP 課程,每學期可享CAD $1,500/一期
- 就讀短期 EAP 課程,可享CAD $750/一期
- 若完成 EAP 5 級,並順利就讀專業課程,第一學期可享CAD $2,500~2500
- Post-secondary: 為所有1-3年課程的台灣學生提供入學獎學金
- 註冊後第一學期可享CAD $1,000
- 四年制學士學位課程學生可享CAD $ 20,000 的全球卓越獎學金
2024-2025 學年
開學月份 | 2024年9月 | 2025年1月 | 2025年5月 |
開放申請日期 | 2023/11/01 | 2024/03 | 2024/07 |
審核後發錄取通知 | 2024/02/01 | 2024/06/06 | 2024/10/30/ |
開學日期 | 2024/09/03 | 2025/01 | 2025/05 |
開放中 開
候補中 候
已關閉 關
2025 Feb 15 更新
A字母開頭課程 | 名額 | 開課月份 |
電影與數位媒體代理文憑 Acting for Film and Digital Media Diploma. | 開 | 2025/9 |
藝匠蒸餾 Artisan Distilling Certificate. | 開
2026/1 |
自閉症和行為科學證書 Autism and Behavioural Science Certificate. | 開 | 2025/9 |
B字母開頭課程 | 名額 | 開課月份 |
烘焙與西點藝術證書 Baking and Pastry Arts Certificate. | 開 | 2025/9 |
烘焙與西點管理文憑 Baking and Pastry Arts Management Diploma. | 開 | 2025/9 |
飲料經營管理證書 Beverage Business Management Certificate. |
2026/1 |
釀酒師和啤酒廠營運管理文憑 Brewmaster and Brewery Operations Management Diploma. |
2026/1 |
廣播 – 廣播、電視和電影(電影製作) Broadcasting – Radio, Television and Film (Film Production). | 開 | 2025/9
2026/1 |
廣播——廣播、電視和電影(廣播和電視演示) Broadcasting – Radio, Television and Film (Radio and TV Presentation). | 開 | 2025/9
2026/1 |
廣播 – 廣播、電視和電影(電視製作) Broadcasting – Radio, Television and Film (Television Production). | 開 | 2025/9
2026/1 |
商業文憑 Business Diploma. | 開
2025/9 |
商業 – 會計文憑 Business – Accounting Diploma. | 開 | 2025/9
2026/1 |
商業 – 國際商業文憑 Business – International Business Diploma. | 開
2025/9 |
商業 – 銷售與行銷文憑 Business – Sales and Marketing Diploma. | 開 | 2025/9
2026/1 |
企業管理 – 會計進階證書 Business Administration – Accounting Advanced Diploma. | 開 | 2025/9
2026/1 |
企業管理 – 會計實習進階證書 Business Administration – Accounting Co-op Advanced Diploma. | 開 | 2025/9
2026/1 |
企業管理 – 人力資源進階文憑(含實習) Business Administration – Human Resources (Co-op) Advanced Diploma. | 開 | 2025/9
2026/1 |
企業管理 – 國際商業進階文憑 Business Administration – International Business Advanced Diploma. |
2026/1 |
企業管理 – 行銷進階文憑 Business Administration – Marketing Advanced Diploma. | 開 | 2025/9
2026/1 |
企業管理 – 管理進階文憑 Business Administration – Supply Chain and Operations Management Advanced Diploma (Co-op). | 開 | 2025/9
2026/1 |
商業分析證書 Business Analytics Certificate. |
2025/9 2026/1 |
C字母開頭課程 | 名額 | 開課月份 |
木工與整修技術員文憑(含實習) Carpentry and Renovation Technician (Co-op) Diploma. | 關 | 2025/5
2025/9 2026/1 |
木工與整修技術證書 Carpentry and Renovation Techniques Certificate. | 關 | 2025/5
2025/9 2026/1 |
土木工程技師文憑 Civil Engineering Technician Diploma. | 開 | 2025/9 |
商業養蜂證書 Commercial Beekeeping Certificate. | 開 | 2025/1 |
商業大麻生產證書 Commercial Cannabis Production Certificate. | 開
2026/1 |
IEN社區心理健康—多元學科證書 Community Mental Health – Multidiscipline Certificate. | 開 | 2025/5
2025/9 2026/1 |
社區藥局助理證書 Community Pharmacy Assistant Certificate. | 開 | 2025/9
2026/1 |
電腦工程技師文憑 Computer Engineering Technician Diploma. | 開 | 2025/9
2026/1 |
電腦程式開發文憑 Computer Programming Diploma. | 開 | 2025/9
2026/1 |
電腦程式開發與分析進階文憑(含實習) Computer Programming and Analysis Advanced Diploma (Co-op). | 開 | 2025/9
2026/1 |
電腦系統技師-網路與雲端科技文憑 Computer Systems Technician – Network and Cloud Technologies Diploma. | 開 | 2025/9 |
建設工程科技文憑 Construction Engineering Technology Diploma. | 開 | 2025/9 |
烹飪創新與食品科技高級文憑(含實習) Culinary Innovation and Food Technology Advanced Diploma (Co-op). | 開 | 2025/9 |
烹飪管理文憑(含實習) Culinary Management Diploma (Co-op). | 開 | 2025/5
2025/9 2026/1 |
烹飪技巧證書 Culinary Skills Certificate. | 開 | 2025/5
2025/9 2026/1 |
D字母開頭課程 | 名額 | 開課月份 |
牙醫助理-I與II級證書 Dental Assisting (Levels I and II) Certificate. | 候 | 2025/9 |
牙醫辦公室行政證書 Dental Office Administration Certificate. | 開 | 2025/9 |
E字母開頭課程 | 名額 | 開課月份 |
ECE早期幼兒教育文憑 Early Childhood Education Diploma. | 開 | 2025/9
2026/1 |
生態系統復育證書 Ecosystem Restoration Certificate. | 開 | 2025/9 |
教育助理和成人支持文憑 Educational Assistance and Adult Supports Diploma. | 開 | 2025/9
2026/1 |
電子工程技師文憑 Electrical Engineering Technician Diploma. | 開 | 2025/9
2026/1 |
電子工程技術進階文憑(含實習) Electrical Engineering Technology Advanced Diploma (Co-op). | 開 | 2025/9
2026/1 |
電氣技術證書 Electrical Techniques Certificate. | 開 | 2025/5
2025/9 2026/1 |
電機工程技師文憑 Electronics Engineering Technician Diploma. | 開 | 2025/9
2026/1 |
電機工程技術進階文憑(含實習) Electronics Engineering Technology Advanced Diploma (Co-op). | 開 | 2025/9
2026/1 |
環境管理與評估證書 Environmental Management and Assessment Certificate. | 開 | 2025/9
2026/1 |
環境技師-田野與實驗室文憑(含實習) Environmental Technician – Field and Laboratory Diploma (Co-op). | 開 | 2025/9 |
美學文憑 Esthetician Diploma. | 開 | 2025/9
2026/1 |
運動科學-健康表現證書 Exercise Science for Health and Performance Certificate. | 開 | 2025/9 |
F字母開頭課程 | 名額 | 開課月份 |
健身與健康推廣文憑 Fitness and Health Promotion Diploma. | 開 | 2025/9 |
G字母開頭課程 | 名額 | 開課月份 |
遊戲開發進階文憑 Game Development Advanced Diploma. | 開 | 2025/9 |
IEN老年醫學證書 Gerontology Certificate. | 候 | 2025/5
2025/9 2026/1 |
平面設計高級文憑 Graphic Design Advanced Diploma. | 開 | 2025/9
2026/1 |
溫室技師文憑 Greenhouse Technician Diploma. | 開 | 2026/1 |
溫室技師文憑 Greenhouse Technician Diploma (Co-op). | 開 | 2025/9 |
H字母開頭課程 | 名額 | 開課月份 |
髮型設計文憑 Hairstyling Diploma. | 開 | 2025/5
2025/9 2026/1 |
商業管理學士-飯店 Honours Bachelor of Business Administration Degree (Hospitality). | 2025/9 | |
商業管理學士-人力資源HR Honours Bachelor of Business Administration Degree (Human Resources). | 2025/9 | |
園藝技師文憑 Horticultural Technician Diploma. | 開 | 2026/1 |
園藝技師文憑(含實習) Horticultural Technician Diploma (Co-op). | 開 | 2025/9 |
飯店管理-飯店與餐廳營運文憑 Hospitality – Hotel and Restaurant Operations Diploma. | 2026/1 | |
飯店管理-飯店與餐廳營運文憑(含實習) Hospitality – Hotel and Restaurant Operations Diploma (Co-op). | 開 | 2025/9 |
飯店與觀光管理證書 Hospitality and Tourism Management Certificate. | 開
2025/9 2026/1 |
人力資源管理證書 Human Resources Management Certificate. | 開 | 2025/9
2026/1 |
I字母開頭課程 | 名額 | 開課月份 |
工業自動化證書 Industrial Automation Certificate. | 2025/9 | |
國際商業管理證書 International Business Management Certificate. |
2025/9 2026/1 |
L字母開頭課程 | 名額 | 開課月份 |
景觀園藝技術證書 Landscape Horticulture Techniques Certificate. | 開 | 2025/9
2026/1 |
景觀技師文憑 Landscape Technician Diploma. | 開 | 2026/1 |
景觀技師文憑(含實習) Landscape Technician Diploma (Co-op). | 開 | 2025/9 |
M字母開頭課程 | 名額 | 開課月份 |
機械工程技師文憑 Mechanical Engineering Technician Diploma. | 開 開 |
2026/1 |
機械工程技術進階文憑(含實習) Mechanical Engineering Technology Advanced Diploma (Co-op). | 開 | 2025/9
2026/1 |
機械技術證書(通用機械師) Mechanical Techniques Certificate (General Machinist). | 開 | 2025/5
2025/9 2026/1 |
動力技師-汽車文憑(含實習) Motive Power Technician – Automotive Diploma (Co-op). | 開 | 2025/5
2025/9 2026/1 |
N字母開頭課程 | 名額 | 開課月份 |
護理領導力和醫療保健管理證書 Nursing Leadership and Healthcare Management Certificate. | 開 | 2025/9 |
O字母開頭課程 | 名額 | 開課月份 |
辦公室行政-執行文憑(含實習) Office Administration – Executive Diploma (Co-op). | 開 | 2025/9 |
辦公室行政-通識證書 Office Administration – General Certificate. | 關 | 2024/9 |
辦公室行政-健康服務文憑 Office Administration – Health Services Diploma. | 開 | 2025/9
2026/1 |
P字母開頭課程 | 名額 | 開課月份 |
IEN安寧療護-多學科證書 Palliative Care – Multidiscipline Certificate. | 開 | 2025/5
2025/9 2026/1 |
PSW看護證書 Personal Support Worker Certificate. | 候 | 2025/5
2025/9 2026/1 |
藥局技師文憑 Pharmacy Technician Diploma. | 開 | 2025/9
2026/1 |
攝影文憑 Photography Diploma. | 開 | 2025/9 |
光子學工程技師文憑 Photonics Engineering Technician Diploma. | 開 | 2025/9 |
光子學工程科技進階文憑 Photonics Engineering Technology Advanced Diploma. | 開 | 2025/9 |
警察基礎文憑 Police Foundations Diploma. | 關 | 2024/9 |
社區服務預備證書 Pre-Community Services Certificate. | 開 | 2025/9
2026/1 |
健康預科預備-銜接進階文憑和學位證書 Pre-Health Sciences – Pathway to Advanced Diplomas and Degrees Certificate. | 開 | 2025/9 |
健康科學預備-證書與文憑銜接 Pre-Health Sciences – Pathway to Certificates and Diplomas. | 開 | 2025/9 |
保護與保安、調查文憑(海關邊境服務) Protection, Security and Investigation Diploma (Customs Border Services). | 關 | 2024/9 |
保護與保安、調查文憑(私人保全) Protection, Security and Investigation Diploma (Private Security). | 開 | 2025/9
2026/1 |
R字母開頭課程 | 名額 | 開課月份 |
休閒治療文憑 Recreation Therapy Diploma. | 開 | 2025/9 |
休閒治療文憑 – 快速 Recreation Therapy Diploma – Fast Track. | 2025/9 | |
再生能源技師文憑 Renewable Energies Technician Diploma. | 開 | 2025/9
2026/1 |
S字母開頭課程 | 名額 | 開課月份 |
社群媒體管理證書Social Media Management Certificate. | 開 | 2025/5
2025/9 2026/1 |
運動行政文憑 Sport Administration Diploma. | 開 | 2025/9 |
供應鏈管理證書 Supply Chain Management Certificate. | 開 | 2025/5
2025/9 2026/1 |
T字母開頭課程 | 名額 | 開課月份 |
觀光管理-商業開發文憑(含實習) Tourism Management – Business Development Diploma (Co-op). | 2025/9 | |
W字母開頭課程 | 名額 | 開課月份 |
焊接技師文憑 Welding Technician Diploma. | 關 | 2025/5
2025/9 2026/1 |
焊接技術證書 Welding Techniques Certificate. | 關 | 2025/5
2025/9 2026/1 |
葡萄酒廠與產銷技師文憑 Winery and Viticulture Technician Diploma. | 開 | 2025/9 |
※ 以上資料若有異動,則以學校公告為主。
更多資訊歡迎來電: 02-27526862 尚有其他更多語言學校資訊~