British Columbia Institute of Technology 英屬哥倫比亞理工學院 2023-2024年最新入學資訊
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2024 年 1 月開課,以下科系仍有名額:
- 商業基礎 Business Fundamentals
- 平面設計 Graphic Design
- 前端網頁開發者 Front-End Web Developer
- 廣播和線上新聞 Broadcast & Online Journalism
- 廣播藝術與娛樂 Radio Arts & Entertainment
- 平面設計Graphic Design
- 一般保險和風險管理 General Insurance and Risk Management (Exceptional post-grad employment)
- 財金 Finance
- 財務管理 Financial Planning
- 專業會計 Professional Accounting
- 測繪工程技術 Geomatics Engineering Tech
- 工業網路安全 Industrial Network Cybersecurity
- 化學與環境技術 Chemical & Environmental Tech
- 廣播和線上新聞 Broadcast & Online Journalism
- 平面設計 Graphic Design
- 會計 Accounting
- 財經 Finance
- 財務規劃 Financial Planning
- 產物保險與風險管理文憑 General Insurance and Risk Management
- 商業資訊技術管理 Business Information Technology Management
- 商業管理 Business Management
- 圖文傳達 Graphic Communications
- 人力資源管理 Human Resource Management
- 行銷管理 Marketing Management
- 商業操作管理 Business Operations Management
- 全球貿易和物流管理 Global Trade & Transport Management
- 全球領導 Global Leadership (Graduated Certificate)
- 商業分析 Business Analytics (Graduated Certificate)
- 商業管理 Business Administration (Graduated Certificate)
- 測繪工程技術 Geomatics Engineering Tech
- 工業網路安全 Industrial Network Cybersecurity
- 電機和電腦工程技術 Electrical and Computer Engineering Tech
- 化學與環境技術 Chemical & Environmental Tech
開學月份 | 2024年9月 | 2024年1月 | 2024年5月 |
開放申請日期 | 2023/10/03 | 2023/02/01 | 2023/06/01 |
部分競爭科系,審核日不同,請洽顧問 |
開放中 開
候補中 候
已關閉 關
2024 Sep 19 更新
A字母開頭課程 | 名額 | 開課月份 |
3D建模技術、藝術和動畫文憑 3D Modeling, Art and Animation Diploma. | 即將開放/即將開放/即將開放 | 2025/1/6
2025/5/5 2025/9/2 |
會計學士 Accounting Bachelor of Accounting. | 開/即將開放 | Full Time:
2025/1/6 2025/9/2 Part Time: 2025/1/6 2025/4/7 2025/9/8 |
會計文憑 Accounting Diploma. | 即將開放
即將開放/即將開放/即將開放 |
Full Time:
2025/9/2 Part Time: 2025/1/6 2025/4/7 2025/9/8 |
進階燃氣渦輪機 Advanced Gas Turbine. | 即將開放 | 2025/1/6 |
飛機燃氣輪機技師證書 Aircraft Gas Turbine Technician Certificate. 🏆 | 開 | 3、9 |
AME-E飛機維修工程師“ E”類(電子)文憑 Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Category ‘E’ (Electronics) Diploma. 🏆 | 開 | 8、1 |
AME-M飛機維修工程師“ M”類(維修)文憑 Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Category ‘M’ (Maintenance) Diploma. 🏆 | 開 | 8、1、5 |
航空公司和飛行營運商業飛行員(固定翼) Airline and Flight Operations – Commercial Pilot – Fixed Wing Diploma. 🏆 | 開 | 2025/4/28 |
航空公司和飛行營運商業飛行員(旋轉翼) Airline and Flight Operations – Commercial Pilot – Rotary Wing Diploma. 🏆 | 開 | 2025/4/28 |
應用電腦科學(數據庫)Applied Computer Science (Database Option) Bachelor. 🏆 | 開/開/即將開放 | 2025/1/6
2025/4/7 2025/9/8 |
應用電腦科學(遊戲開發)Applied Computer Science (Games Development Option) Bachelor. 🏆 | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
應用電腦科學(人機介面選項)Applied Computer Science (Human Computer Surface Option) Bachelor. 🏆 | 開/開/即將開放 | 2025/1/6
2025/4/7 2025/9/8 |
應用電腦科學 (網路安全應用開發)Applied Computer Science (Network Security Applications Development Option) Bachelor. 🏆 | 即將開放 即將開放/即將開放/即將開放 |
Full Time:
2025/9/2 Part Time: 2025/1/6 2025/4/7 2025/9/8 |
應用電腦科學 (無線和移動應用程序開發)Applied Computer Science (Wireless and Mobile Applications Development Option) Bachelor. 🏆 | 開/開/即將開放 | 2025/1/6
2025/4/7 2025/9/8 |
建築科學建築科學學士 Architectural Science Bachelor of Architectural Science. (Levels 5 – 8) 🏆 | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
建築與建物科技文憑 Architectural and Building Technology Diploma. (Levels 1 – 4) | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
建築與結構CADD和圖形技師(建築)證書 Architectural and Structural CADD and Graphics Technician (Architectural Option) Certificate. | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
建築與結構CADD和圖形技師(結構)證書 Architectural and Structural CADD and Graphics Technician (Structural Option) Certificate. | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
汽車車身維修與修補技師基金會 Auto Body Repair and Refinishing Technician Foundation. | 開 | |
汽車控制安裝與維護高級證書 Auto Controls Installations and Maintenance Advanced Certificate. | 開/開/即將開放 | 2025/1/6
2025/4/7 2025/9/8 |
汽車維修技師和營運文憑 Automotive Service Technician and Operations Diploma. | 開 | |
汽車技術員證書 Automotive Technician (Honda/Acura Foundation) Certificate. | 開 | 9 |
汽車技術員證書 Automotive Technician (Toyota Foundation) Certificate. | 開 | 11 |
汽車技師基礎證書 Automotive Technician Foundation Certificate. | 開 | 2、4、7 |
航空管理及營運文憑 Aviation Management and Operations Diploma. 🏆 | 開 | 9 |
B字母開頭課程 | 名額 | 開課月份 |
健康科學學士(核磁共振成像)Bachelor of Health Science (Magnetic Resonance Imaging Option). | 開/開/即將開放 | 2025/1/6
2025/4/7 2025/9/8 |
生物醫學工程技術文憑 Biomedical Engineering Technology Diploma. | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
鍋爐製造商基礎證書 Boilermaker Foundation Certificate. | 開 | 9、1、5 |
艦橋值班分級證書 Bridge Watch Rating Associate Certificate. | 開 | 9、1 |
廣播和線上新聞文憑 Broadcast and Online Journalism Diploma. | 開/開/即將開放 | 2025/1/6
2025/4/7 2025/9/2 |
建築能源建模和性能分析 Building Energy Modelling and Performance Analysis Advanced Certificate. |
開/開/即將開放 | 2025/1/6
2025/4/7 2025/9/8 |
建築工程/建築科學應用科學碩士 Building Engineering/Building Science Master of Applied Science. 🏆 | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
建築科學工程碩士 Building Science Master of Engineering. 🏆 | 即將開放
即將開放 |
Full Time:
2025/9/2 Part Time: 2025/9/2 |
企業管理(一般)Business Administration(General Option). |
開/開/即將開放 | 2025/1/6
2025/4/7 2025/9/8 |
企業管理(全球研究)Business Administration(Global Studies Option). |
開/開/即將開放 | 2025/1/6
2025/4/7 2025/9/8 |
企業管理(人力資源)Business Administration(Human Resources Option). | 開/開/即將開放 | 2025/1/6
2025/4/7 2025/9/8 |
企業管理(管理)Business Administration(Management Option). | 開/開/即將開放 | 2025/1/6
2025/4/7 2025/9/8 |
企業管理(行銷)Business Administration(Marketing Option). | 開/開/即將開放 | 2025/1/6
2025/4/7 2025/9/8 |
企業管理學士 Bachelor of Business Administration Bachelor of Business Administration. | 即將開放 | full time:
2025/9/2 part time: 2025/1/6 2025/4/7 2025/9/8 |
商業分析學士後文憑 Business Analytics Graduate Certificate. | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
商務基礎副學士證書 Business Fundamentals (BFUN) Associate Certificate. | 即將開放/即將開放/即將開放 | 2025/1/6
2025/5/5 2025/9/2 |
商業資訊科技管理文憑(人工智慧管理) Business Information Technology Management Diploma (Artificial Intelligence Management Option). 🏆 | 9 | |
商業資訊科技管理文憑(企業系統管理) Business Information Technology Management Diploma (Enterprise Systems Management Option). 🏆 | 2024/9/3 | |
商業管理(高等進修學位/文憑) Business Management (Advanced Placement – Degree/Diploma entry) Diploma. (Levels 3 – 4) | 9 | |
商業管理高等文憑 Business Management – Advanced Diploma. | 即將開放/即將開放
即將開放/即將開放/即將開放/即將開放 |
Full Time:
2025/1/6 2025/9/2 (Burnaby) Part Time: 2025/1/6 2025/4/7 2025/9/8 |
商業管理文憑 Business Management Diploma. (Levels 1 – 4) | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
商業營運管理文憑 Business Operations Management Diploma. | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
商業與媒體 Business and Media Study Abroad. | 開/即將開放/即將開放 | 2025/1/6
2025/4/7 2025/9/2 |
C字母開頭課程 | 名額 | 開課月份 |
數控機械師技師文憑 CNC Machinist Technician Diploma. | 開 | 9、1 |
細木工基礎 Cabinetmaker (Joiner) Foundation. |
開 | 9 |
心臟科學(心律設備技術)Cardiac Sciences(Cardiac Rhythm Device Technology Option). |
開/開/即將開放 | 2025/1/6
2025/4/7 2025/9/8 |
心臟科學 (心血管技術選項)Cardiac Sciences(Cardiovascular Technology Option). |
開/開/即將開放 | 2025/1/6
2025/4/7 2025/9/8 |
心臟科學(電生理學技術)Cardiac Sciences(Electrophysiology Technology Option). |
開/開/即將開放 | 2025/1/6
2025/4/7 2025/9/8 |
心髒病學技術 Cardiology Technology. |
開/即將開放 | 2025/1/6
2025/9/2 |
心血管灌注 Cardiovascular Perfusion. |
即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
木工構架和成型基礎證書 Carpentry Framing and Forming Foundation Certificate. | 開 | 9、1、5 |
化學與環境科學 Chemical and Environmental Technology. | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
化學與環境科學(科學分析) Chemical and Environmental Technology (Analytical Science Option) Diploma. | 9 | |
化學與環境科學(程序工程) Chemical and Environmental Technology (Process Engineering Option) Diploma. | 2024/9/3 | |
土木工程學士1 – 4 級)Civil Engineering Bachelor of Engineering (Levels 1 – 4). 🏆 | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
臨床遺傳學技術高級文憑 Clinical Genetics Technology Advanced Diploma. | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
電腦資訊系統管理文憑 Computer Information Systems Administration (CISA) Diploma. 🏆 | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
電腦資訊科技文憑(1 – 4 級) Computer Information Technology (CIT) Diploma (Levels 1 – 4). 🏆 | 即將開放/即將開放 | 2025/1/8
2025/9/2 |
電腦系統(遊戲開發選項)科技學士(5 – 8 級) Computer Systems (Games Development Option) Bachelor of Technology (Levels 5 – 8). | 9 | |
電腦系統(網絡安全應用程序開發選項)科技學士(5 – 8 級) Computer Systems (Network Security Applications Development Option) Bachelor of Technology (Levels 5 – 8). | 9 | |
電腦系統科技文憑 Computer Systems Technology (CST) Diploma 🏆 | 即將開放/即將開放 | 2025/1/6
2025/9/2 |
會計電算 Computerized Accounting. |
開/開/即將開放 | 2025/1/6
2025/4/7 2025/9/8 |
營建管理學士 Construction Management Bachelor of Technology. 🏆 | 即將開放
即將開放/即將開放/即將開放 |
Full Time:
2025/9/8 Part Time: 2025/1/6 2025/4/7 2025/9/8 |
D字母開頭課程 | 名額 | 開課月份 |
診斷醫學超聲波檢查(普通超聲波檢查)文憑 Diagnostic Medical Sonography (General Sonography Option) Diploma. | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
診斷醫學超聲檢查(普通和心臟超聲檢查選項)文憑 Diagnostic Medical Sonography (General and Cardiac Sonography Option) Diploma. | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
數位通訊和無線技術 Digital Communications and Wireless Technologies. 🏆 | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
數位設計與開發文憑 Digital Design and Development Diploma. 🏆 | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
數位醫療 Digital Health. | 開/開/即將開放 | 2025/1/6
2025/4/7 2025/9/8 |
E字母開頭課程 | 名額 | 開課月份 |
環境工程學士 Ecological Restoration Bachelor of Science. 🏆 | 即將開放/即將開放/即將開放 | 2025/1/6
2025/4/7 2025/9/8 |
環境工程學士(3 – 8 級) Electrical Engineering Bachelor of Engineering (Levels 3 – 8). 🏆 | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
電氣基礎證書 Electrical Foundation Certificate. | 開 | 9、1 |
電子與電腦工程技術 (ECET) 文憑(1 – 4 級) Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology (ECET) Diploma (Levels 1 – 4). | 即將開放/即將開放 | 2025/1/6
2025/9/2 |
電神經生理學文憑 Electroneurophysiology Diploma. | 即將開放 | 2025/1/6 |
電子 Electronics. 🏆 | 開/開/即將開放 | 2025/1/6
2025/4/7 2025/9/8 |
環境工程學士 Environmental Engineering Bachelor of Technology. 🏆 | 即將開放
即將開放/即將開放/即將開放 |
Full Time:
2024/9/2 Part Time: 2025/1/6 2025/4/7 2025/9/8 |
環境公共衛生學士 Environmental Public Health Bachelor of Environmental Public Health. 🏆 | 即將開放 | 2024/9/2 |
F字母開頭課程 | 名額 | 開課月份 |
金融文憑 Finance Diploma. | 即將開放
即將開放/即將開放/即將開放 |
Full Time:
2025/9/2 Part Time: 2025/1/6 2025/4/7 2025/9/8 |
財務管理(財務選項)Financial Management(Finance Option). |
開/開/即將開放 | 2025/1/6
2025/4/7 2025/9/8 |
財務管理(金融計劃)Financial Management(Financial Planning). |
開/開/即將開放 | 2025/1/6
2025/4/7 2025/9/8 |
財務管理(專業會計)Financial Management(Professional Accounting Option). |
開/開/即將開放 | 2025/1/6
2025/4/7 2025/9/8 |
財務規劃文憑 Financial Planning Diploma. |
即將開放 即將開放/即將開放/即將開放 |
Full Time:
2025/9/2 Part Time: 2025/1/6 2025/4/7 2025/9/8 |
魚類,野生動物和休閒文憑 Fish, Wildlife and Recreation Diploma. | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
食品科技 Food Technology. |
即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
鑑識科學(數位鑑識和網路安全)學士進階證書 Forensic Investigation (Digital Forensics and Cybersecurity Option) Bachelor of Technology Advanced Certificate. | 開/開/即將開放 | 2025/1/6
2025/4/7 2025/9/8 |
鑑識科學(數位鑑識和網路安全)學士 Forensic Investigation (Digital Forensics and Cybersecurity Option) Bachelor of Technology Bachelor. 🏆 | 開/即將開放/即將開放 | 2025/1/6
2025/4/7 2025/9/8 |
鑑識科學(法醫學)進階證書 Forensic Investigation(Forensic Science Option) Advanced Certificate. |
開/開/即將開放 | 2025/1/6
2025/4/7 2025/9/8 |
鑑識科學(法醫學)學士 Forensic Investigation(Forensic Science Option) Bachelor. |
開/開/即將開放 | 2025/1/6
2025/4/7 2025/9/8 |
森林與自然區域管理文憑 Forest and Natural Areas Management Diploma. | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
前端網頁開發員證書 Front-End Web Developer (FWD) Certificate. | 開/開/即將開放/即將開放 | 2024/10/15
2025/1/6 2025/4/21 2025/9/15 |
全端網頁開發文憑 Full Stack Web Development (FSWD) Diploma. 🏆 | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
G字母開頭課程 | 名額 | 開課月份 |
產物保險與風險管理文憑 General Insurance and Risk Management Diploma. | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
GIS地理資訊系統高等證書 Geographic Information Systems Advanced Certificate. | 開/開/即將開放 | 2025/1/6
2025/4/7 2025/9/8 |
GIS地理資訊系統高等文憑 Geographic Information Systems Advanced Diploma. | 即將開放
即將開放/即將開放/即將開放 |
Full Time:
2025/9/2 Part Time: 2025/1/6 2025/4/7 2025/9/8 |
GIS地理資訊系統學士 Geographic Information Systems Bachelor of Technology. | 即將開放
即將開放/即將開放/即將開放 |
Full Time:
2025/9/2 Part Time: 2025/1/6 2025/4/7 2025/9/8 |
測量及空間資訊工程技術文憑 Geomatics Engineering Technology Diploma. (Levels 1 – 4) | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
地球空間資訊科學學士 Geomatics Bachelor of Science. (Levels 5 – 8) | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
全球領導學士後文憑 Global Leadership Graduate Certificate. | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
全球貿易與運輸管理 Global Trade and Transportation Management Diploma. | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
圖文傳達科技管理 Graphic Communications Technology Management Diploma. | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
平面設計證書 Graphic Design Certificate. 🏆 | 即將開放/即將開放/即將開放
即將開放/即將開放/即將開放 即將開放/即將開放/即將開放 |
2 Terms 7.5 Months:
2025/1/6 2025/5/5 2025/9/2 3 Terms 11.5 Months: 2025/1/6 2025/5/5 2025/9/2 part time: 2025/1/6 2025/4/7 2025/9/8 |
H字母開頭課程 | 名額 | 開課月份 |
健康領導力 Health Leadership. | 開/開/即將開放 | 2025/1/6
2025/4/7 2025/9/8 |
HVAC製冷與空調技術員證書 Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technician Certificate. | 開 | 9 |
HVAC製冷與空調技術員文憑 Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technician Diploma. | 開 | 9 |
重型卡車技術文憑 Heavy Duty Truck Technology Diploma. | 開 | 1、5、9 |
重型機械貿易基礎文憑 Heavy Mechanical Trades Foundation Certificate. | 開 | |
HR人力資源管理文憑(進階先修學位/文憑) Human Resource Management (Advanced Placement – Degree/Diploma entry) Diploma. (Levels 3 – 4) | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
HR人力資源管理文憑 Human Resource Management Diploma. (Levels 1 – 4) | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
I字母開頭課程 | 名額 | 開課月份 |
工業儀器和過程控制技師文憑 Industrial Instrumentation and Process Control Technician Diploma. 🏆 | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
工業網路安全文憑 Industrial Network Cybersecurity Diploma. 🏆 | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
室內設計基礎證書 Interior Design Fundamentals Certificate. (Levels 1 – 2) | 即將開放 | Full Time:
2025/9/2 Part Time: 2025/1/8 2025/4/7 2025/9/8 |
室內設計學士 Interior Design Bachelor of Interior Design. (Levels 5 – 8) | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
室內設計文憑 Interior Design Diploma. (Levels 3 – 4) | 即將開放 | Full Time:
2025/9/2 Part Time: 2025/1/6 2025/4/7 2025/9/8 |
國際學生銜接英文 International Student Entry. (ISEP) | 關/開/開/開/開 | 2024/11/4
2025/1/6 2025/3/3 2025/5/5 2025/7/2 |
鋼鐵工人基礎證書 Ironworker Foundation Certificate. | 開 | 7、1 |
J字母開頭課程 | 名額 | 開課月份 |
細木工(櫥櫃製造)基礎證書 Joinery (Cabinetmaker) Foundation Certificate. | Multi |
M字母開頭課程 | 名額 | 開課月份 |
機械師基礎證書 Machinist Foundation Certificate. | 開 | 9 |
磁共振成像文憑 Magnetic Resonance Imaging Diploma. | 開/開/即將開放 | 2025/1/6
2025/4/7 2025/9/8 |
海洋工程文憑 Marine Engineering Diploma. | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
船舶機械技術基礎證書 Marine Mechanical Technical Foundation Certificate. | 開 | 9 |
行銷管理文憑Marketing Management Diploma. 🏆 | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
機械工程科技文憑 Mechanical Engineering Technology Diploma. (Levels 1 – 4) | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
機械工程 Mechanical Engineering Bachelor of Engineering. (Levels 5 – 8) 🏆 | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
機械電子與機器人文憑 Mechatronics and Robotics Diploma. | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
醫療實驗科學 Medical Laboratory Science Diploma. | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
醫學放射學文憑 Medical Radiography Diploma. | 候 | 2025/1/6 |
金屬製造基礎證書 Metal Fabricator Foundation Certificate. | 開 | Multi |
維修技師基礎證書 Millwright Foundation Certificate | 開 | 9、1 |
礦產探勘與採礦技術文憑 Mineral Exploration and Mining Technology Diploma. (Levels 1 – 4) | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
採礦與礦產資源工程學士 Mining and Mineral Resource Engineering Bachelor of Engineering. (Levels 3 – 8) | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
摩托車技師基礎 Motorcycle Technician Foundation Certificate. | 開 | 9、2 |
N字母開頭課程 | 名額 | 開課月份 |
航船科學 Nautical Sciences Diploma. | 即將開放/即將開放 | 2025/2/18
2025/9/2 |
新媒體設計與網站開發文憑 New Media Design and Web Development Diploma. 🏆 | 即將開放/即將開放/即將開放 | 2025/1/6
2025/5/5 2025/9/2 |
核能醫療 Nuclear Medicine Diploma. | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
護理學士 Nursing Bachelor of Science in Nursing. | 關/即將開放/即將開放 | 2024/1/6
2025/4/14 2025/9/2 |
O字母開頭課程 | 名額 | 開課月份 |
職場衛生與安全文憑 Occupational Health and Safety Diploma. 🏆 | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
OAT辦公室管理科技證書 Office Administrator with Technology Program (OAT) Certificate. | 即將開放/即將開放 | 2024/10/7
2025/4/7 |
P字母開頭課程 | 名額 | 開課月份 |
工資和人力資源 Payroll and Human Resources. | 開/開/即將開放 | 2025/1/6
2025/4/7 2025/9/8 |
管線基礎證書 Piping Foundation Certificate. | 開 | Multi |
動力工程 Power Engineering (General Program). 🏆 | 候 | 8 |
電力與製程工程 Power and Process Engineering Diploma. 🏆 | 開 | 8 |
專業會計高等文憑 Professional Accounting Advanced Diploma. | 即將開放
即將開放/即將開放/即將開放 |
Full Time:
2025/9/2 Part Time: 2025/1/6 2025/4/7 2025/9/8 |
義肢和矯形器 Prosthetics and Orthotics. | 關 | 2024/9/3 |
R字母開頭課程 | 名額 | 開課月份 |
放射治療理學學士 Radiation Therapy Bachelor of Science. | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
廣播藝術與娛樂文憑 Radio Arts and Entertainment Diploma. | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
可再生能源電氣系統安裝和維護 Renewable Energy Electrical Systems Installations & Maintenance. |
開/開/即將開放 | 2025/1/6
2025/4/7 2025/9/8 |
HVAC冷凍與暖通空調技師基礎證書 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic Foundation Certificate. | 開 | 9 |
室內設計 Residential Interiors. | 開/開/即將開放 | 2025/1/6
2025/4/7 2025/9/8 |
S字母開頭課程 | 名額 | 開課月份 |
安全系統技師證書 Security Systems Technician Certificate. | 開 | 9、11、4 |
智慧電網系統和技術 Smart Grid Systems and Technologies. 🏆 |
開 | 2024/9/3 |
鈑金工人基礎證書 Sheet Metal Worker Foundation Certificate. | 候 | 9 |
軟體系統開發人員 Software Systems Developer Certificate. | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
心臟超音波Sonography (Cardiac Option) Advanced Diploma. | 關 | 2024/1/6 |
專科護理 Specialty Nursing. | 開/開/即將開放 | 2025/1/6
2025/4/7 2025/9/8 |
永續商業領導高等文憑 Sustainable Business Leadership Advanced Diploma. | 即將開放
即將開放/即將開放/即將開放 |
Full Time:
2025/9/2 Part Time: 2025/1/6 2025/4/7 2025/9/8 |
永續商業高等文憑 Sustainable Business Advanced Diploma. | 開/開/開/開/即將開放/即將開放 | 2025/1/6
2025/1/6 (online) 2025/4/7 2025/4/7 (online) 2025/9/8 2025/9/8 (online) |
T字母開頭課程 | 名額 | 開課月份 |
技術性藝術高等文憑 Technical Arts Advanced Diploma. 🏆 | 即將開放 | 2025/9/6 |
科技入門 Technology Entry (TE). |
即將開放/即將開放 | 2025/1/6
2025/9/2 |
技術管理 Technology Management. |
開/開/開/開/即將開放/即將開放 | 2025/1/6
2025/1/6 (online) 2025/4/7 2025/4/7 (online) 2025/9/8 2025/9/8 (online) |
TSP科技支援專業證書-BCIT與業界合作 Technology Support Professional (TSP) BCIT/Industry Partnership Certificate. | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
科技教師教育 Technology Teacher Education Diploma. | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
電信系統技師 Telecommunications Systems Technician Diploma. | 開 | 9 |
電視&影視製作文憑 Television & Video Production Diploma. | 即將開放 | 2025/9/2 |
貿易開發普通助理證書Trades Discovery General Associate Certificate. | 開 | 9、1、5 |
貿易開發女性助理證書 Trades Discovery for Women Associate Certificate. | 開 | 9、1 |
W字母開頭課程 | 名額 | 開課月份 |
焊工基礎證書 Welder Foundation Certificate. | 開 | 9、1、5 |
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