
Mar 11, 2025


阿夕尼波因社區學院 Assiniboine Community College 1430 Victoria Avenue East, Room 437 Brandon MB Associate
卑詩省理工 British Columbia Institute of Technology 3700 Willingdon Avenue Burnaby BC Associate Baccalaureate
卡普蘭諾大學 Capilano University 2055 Purcell Way North Vancouver BC Baccalaureate
北大西洋學院 College of the North Atlantic – Burin Campus P.O. Box 370 Burin Bay Arm, NL A0E 1G0 Canada Burin Bay Arm NL Associate
北大西洋學院 College of the North Atlantic – Carbonear Campus 4 Pike’s Lane Carbonear, NL A1Y 1A7 Canada Carbonear NL Associate
北大西洋學院 College of the North Atlantic – Clarenville 69 Pleasant Street Clarenville, NL A5A 1V9 Canada Clarenville NL Associate
北大西洋學院 College of the North Atlantic – Corner Brook P. O. Box 822 Corner Brook, NL A2H 6H6 Canada Corner Brook NL Associate
北大西洋學院 College of the North Atlantic – Distributed Learning 432 Massachusetts Drive, PO Box 5400 Clarenville NL Associate
北大西洋學院 College of the North Atlantic – Grand Falls-Windsor Campus 5 Cromer Avenue Grand Falls – Windsor, NL A2A 1X3 Canada Grand Falls-Windsor NL Associate
北大西洋學院 College of the North Atlantic – Labrador West Campus 1600 Nichols-Adam Highway Labrador City NL Associate
北大西洋學院 College of the North Atlantic – Port Aux Basques Campus 59 Grand Bay Road, P.O. Box 760 Port Aux Basques, NL A0M 1C0 Canada Port Aux Basques NL Associate
北大西洋學院 College of the North Atlantic – Prince Philip P. O. Box 1693 St. John’s, NL A1C 5P7 Canada St. John’s NL Associate
北大西洋學院 College of the North Atlantic – St. Anthony Campus 83-93 East Street St. Anthony, NL A0K 4S0 Canada St. Anthony NL Associate
北大西洋學院 College of the North Atlantic-Bay St. George Campus 432 Massachusetts Drive, P.O. Box 5400 Stephenville NL Associate
道格拉斯學院 Douglas College Commerce & Business Administration, P.O. Box 2503 New Westminster BC Baccalaureate
昆特蘭理工大學 Kwantlen Polytechnic University 12666 – 72nd Avenue Surrey BC Associate Baccalaureate
McMaster University W. Booth School of Engineering Practice & Technology* 1280 Main Street West, ETB Rm. 121 Hamilton ON Baccalaureate
奧克拿根學院 Okanagan College School of Business, 1000 KLO Road Kelowna BC Baccalaureate Associat
聖力嘉理工 Seneca Polytechnic 1750 Finch Avenue West Toronto ON Baccalaureate
加西大學 University Canada West 1461 Granville Street Vancouver BC Baccalaureate Master’s
University of Fredericton 371 Queen Street, Suite 400 Fredericton NB Master’s
溫哥華島大學 Vancouver Island University 900 Fifth Street Nanaimo BC Baccalaureate Master’s

※ 以上資料若有異動,則以學校公告為主。



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