YA-YUN – 語言學校 ILSC | 法文遊學日記

May 25, 2024



1. Why did you choose to come to ILSC?
Because I’ve heard about this school before from friends and I heard this school has campuses in different countries.


2. What are your future career and/or school goals?
I am not sure, but I wanted to learn both English and French to find more opportunities and openings on what I can do.


3. How will your Language training at ILSC help you?
It helped me to communicate with others easily, I am now able to switch both languages (French/English) when I speak. I no longer need to process words in my mind to translate, it has become much easier to speak my mind.


4. What’s your favorite course or program? Can you tell us what you like about it?
I mostly took Academic classes, but I liked when we spoke about cultures in class because I was able to compare them with my own culture. I liked that comparison. The cooking in French class was also very fun because I was able to learn new recipes in French which as very interesting.


5. Who is your favorite teacher? What do you like about their teaching?
I took both French and English courses,for English, I would say Laila because her classes were fun, also, you can clearly tell she was passionate as a teacher. She also had lots of knowledge in terms of culture.For French, I have two teachers; Patrice and Monique. They were also very passionate in teaching French, because this was the harder language to learn in my case. They were able to tell I had difficulty with the language, they both helped me be “calm” in class so that I can learn with patience. They both also gave me lots of tips on how to improve my French.


6. Can you tell us about some of the unique experiences you’ve had exploring the city you are studying in, either through ILSC activities you’ve done or on your own time?
Most recently, we had the world cup and it was showing in the common area. It was really fun experience to see students cheering, screaming and going crazy for their team. This was a moment I would never forget. We don’t have such big sporting events that features our national team back at home, so this was definitely a scene I would not forget.


7. Do you have anything to add about your experience at ILSC? (Friends you made, things you’ve learned, experiences you’ve enjoyed)
I’ve studied here for almost a year and I’ve definitely made lots of friends, besides just learning French and English, I’ve had the pleasure of learning other languages such as Spanish. Because there are lots of Spanish speaking students in the Montreal campus. All in all, the experience of cultural differences was the best part.


8. How did you hear about Montreal?
My father’s friend used to live in Montreal and that’s how I got introduced to this city. I think I’ve made the right choice, and I wanted to avoid cities with lots of Asians.


9. After you leave, would you like to come back?
Definitely, I’ve love to come back again.


10. What’s your favorite thing about Montreal?
I pretty much love everything about Montreal, all the activities and the festival the city offers were the main highlights for me. As well as the vast differences in weather.


就讀學校:ILSC  2017/07 ~ 2018/08