LCB 專屬優惠
學校網站 :
◆ 卓越的傳統
◆ 傑出的師資和一流的教學環境
◆ 有機會進入優質的產業
◆ 滿足美食、飯店業的人才需求
Watch our master chefs prepare selected menus in demonstration theatres featuring close-circuit cameras, mirrors and audio systems. Then practice and replicate recipes in professionally equipped kitchens designed with individual workspaces, including your own gas oven. The chefs will be in the kitchen with you, mentoring and guiding you along the way.
每位畢業生在離開藍帶廚藝學院時,所擁有的一身技藝,不僅足以在一流的餐廳、酒店或餐飲服務機構創出一番璀璨的事業,而且還能擔任出色的新聞工作者、作家、導師、顧問或企業家。在握去超過100年間,藍帶廚藝學院曾經孕育出眾多著名的畢業生,其中包括 Dione Lucas、 Julia Child、 Nancy Silverton、 Nathalie Dupree、 Eric and Bruce Bromberg、 Allen Susser、 James Peterson、 Lydia Shire、 Giada De Laurentiis、 Gaston Acurio and Ming Tsai,人數眾多,這只是其中幾位。
Each graduate leaves Le Cordon Bleu Ottawa with the skills to launch an exciting career not only in the world’s leading restaurants, hotels or catering establishments, but also as a journalist, author, instructor, consultant or entrepreneur.Over the past 100 years, Le Cordon Bleu has produced many famous graduates, including Dione Lucas, Julia Child, Nancy Silverton, Nathalie Dupree, Eric and Bruce Bromberg, Allen Susser, James Peterson, Lydia Shire, Giada De Laurentiis, Gaston Acurio and Ming Tsai just to name a few.
Grand Diploma 藍帶全能文憑
(Fees include: tuition, uniform and equipment, all learning materials and student activities fees)
Teaching Method: Chef Demonstration, Practical, Theory Class
Entry requirements: High school diploma or equivalent. No prior culinary experience is required.
Cuisine Diploma 烹飪料理文憑
追求廚藝最高境界!精通從基礎到進階的料理技巧,輕鬆應用在各種烹飪料理中。探索法國烹飪傳統、世界美食與現在流行趨勢。Cuisine Diploma細分為 Basic、Intermediate、Superior三種等級,完成三種等級即獲得烹飪料理文憑
Teaching method: Chef Demonstration, Practical, Theory Class
Entry requirements: High school diploma or equivalent. No prior culinary experience is required
Basic Cuisine Certificate 初級料理證書
Basic Cuisine is your preparatory course into the adventures of French cuisine. As the term progresses, techniques are layered upon each other and become more complicated, incorporating aspects of organization, preparation, balance and timing. For both the novice and the more knowledgeable, it lays the foundation on which to build in the following terms.
- Introduction to French cuisine
- Classic knife cuts and culinary techniques
- Food preparation and mise en place
- Palate training
Intermediate Cuisine Certificate 中級料理證書
三個月的中級料理證書課程引領學生進入法式料理區域性菜色,從初級技術帶入進階技術,領會這些技術的使用技巧。這階段的課程重視色澤和味道、食材質地的結合。技巧重點:Mise en Place – 理解、組織、產出
Through practice and repetition, you will begin to perform tasks with more ease and instinct, and demonstrations will highlight various presentations from platter to plate. Intermediate Cuisine emphasizes the importance of “mise en place,” understanding organization, production, and presentation.
- Regional cuisines of France
- Advanced techniques and presentation
- Appreciation of seasoning and flavours
- Butchery techniques
Superior Cuisine Certificate 優級料理證書
三個月的優級料理證書課程是完成Cuisine Diploma烹飪料理文憑的最後一塊拼圖,也是踏出專業廚師Professional Chef的第一步。學生會在這期間學習最高階的技術,包括廚房裡的精準與效率、食譜間的相搭配,及食材品質、豐富精緻的原料挑選。
The Superior Cuisine level exposes you to the evolution of cuisine and focuses on contemporary developments. Full menus demonstrated by the chefs are inspired by what can be found in the top kitchens today. The ingredients are richer and more refined. You are now encouraged to be more creative both in taste and presentation.
- Precision and speed in the kitchen
- Recipe development and menu design
- Seasonal and market influences on cuisine
- Introduction to restaurant operations
World Class Pastry Chef Instructors
Learn from world class authentic French Pastry Chefs that have earned some of the highest honours in the pastry profession. At Le Cordon Bleu, your instructor could be a Meilleur Ouvrier de France, a Master Sculptor or have experience working in a Michelin starred restaurants. Intimate class sizes ensure that you receive personalized attention, mentoring and feedback after every class in a positive and motivating environment.
Unique Learning Environment
Practice and replicate recipes in professionally equipped kitchens designed with individual workspaces, including gas ovens, refrigerated granite countertops for chocolate sculptures, and copper pots and sugar lamps for sugar art. These facilities have been designed with the support of our Le Cordon Bleu Master Chefs to ensure that the most refined edible sculptures are created.
Learn the Secrets to the Successes of some of France’s most Famous Pastry Shops
Our chefs have experience in renowned pastry shops. Under their guidance, you will learn the skills and techniques including sugar skills, chocolate tempering, decorating skills and beautiful presentation skills as they share their knowledge and expertise. As you progress, you will have the confidence and knowledge to create your very own masterpieces.
Pastry Diploma 甜點文憑
Develop your pastry skills! Courses range from initiation, short courses and basic through advanced pastry techniques to boutique style desserts, world delicacies and precise techniques. The pastry programmes are divided into three levels: basic, intermediate and superior. All three levels in pastry must be successfully completed to hold the Pastry Diploma.
Teaching method: Chef Demonstration, Practical, Theory Class
Entry requirements: High school diploma or equivalent. No prior culinary experience is required
Basic Pastry 初級甜點課程
This 3-month certificate course is an in introductory into classic French pastry. This programme teaches students techniques for doughs, basic entremets, piping techniques and, traditional cakes and tarts.
法式甜點的主要食材包含麵粉、奶油、雞蛋及製作竅門。通過學習不同的混合方式、特性和應用,您將了解到如何製作不同類型的甜點,如pâte sablée、 pâte feuilletée、 choux paste,以及傳統的甜點 Saint Honoré、 black forest、Paris-Brest。其中示範和實踐的環節將會以按部就班的形式,引領您了解法式甜點製作的要訣。
Basic Pastry is designed to give you a strong foundation on which to build the basic skills and knowledge of French Patisserie. This programme teaches students techniques for doughs, basic entremets, piping techniques and traditional cakes and tarts. Techniques will reappear throughout the term in order to familiarize you with their various applications.
- Introduction to French pâtisserie
- Basic doughs and fillings
- Mousses, traditional desserts and cakes
- Classic techniques and basic decoration
Intermediate Pastry 中級甜點課程
This 3-month certificate course introduces students to implement all the basic techniques learned and apply it to more advanced levels of pastry. The programme focuses on chocolate piping, classical French entremets, basic boulangerie, ice cream and sorbets and, chocolate tempering and glacage.
As you begin to master fundamental techniques such a making a pastry cream or genoise sponge, your proficiency will allow you to focus more on decoration. Intermediate pastry will also introduce you to gateaux, viennoiserie, restaurant desserts and more advanced chocolate work.
- Refine artistic and decorative skills
- Variations on restaurant desserts
- Introduction to chocolate: tempering and dipping
- Caramel, nougatine and sugar work
Superior Pastry Certificate 優級甜點證書
This 3-month certificate is the final level in achieving the Pastry Diploma and prepares students for their professional career as a Pastry Chef. Students will gain the utmost advanced techniques in pastry including contemporary plated desserts, tarts, petits fours, sugar showpieces including pulling, casting color and blowing, entremets design and decoration.
The Superior Pastry combines all the knowledge, techniques & artistic skills earned, and encourages you to personalize every piece of work. You will produce complex and highly decorated creations including a wedding cake, chocolates and a sugar showpiece. You will be encouraged to develop your creative flair using the latest techniques.
- Dessert menus
- Decoration and presentation, flavour, aroma and spices
- Hand-dipped and moulded chocolates
- Sculpture and display in chocolate and sugar
Boulangerie de Base 麵包初級課程
Sharpen your baking techniques! The art and craft of Boulangerie is a much-needed skill and our programmes provide an outlet to service the ever-increasing worldwide demand. As a result, we have introduced specialized programs designed to focus on skilled techniques of classical Boulangerie, mastered by the French so many years ago.
- Learn from Chef Instructors in a hands-on workshop format with a 16:1 student to teacher ratio.
- Gain both practical and theoretical instruction.
- Develop and alter recipes to achieve desired results in baked products.
- Create your own unique recipe using methods and techniques learned throughout the program.
Our Boulangerie program teaches the traditional techniques of bakery theory, artisan bread baking, yeast doughs, fermentation, regional specialties from France, pastries using laminated and rich doughs; all in a professional setting. Classes are hands-on and taught in specially equipped kitchens including one-of-a-kind custom-built Bongard boulangerie oven.
This 3-month program is best if:
- You are considering a career or business as an artisanal baker
- You are a professional chef or entrepreneur and wish to learn classic French bread baking techniques to enhance your career or business
- You love the tradition and practice of bread baking
- You are a Diplome de Patisserie student / graduate and you would like to expand your knowledge and skills in boulangerie
Duration: 3 months
Structure: 1 level
Hours per week: Approx. 25 hours
Teaching method: Chef Demonstration, Practical, Theory Class
Entry requirements: High school diploma or equivalent. No prior culinary experience is required
- Bakery Theory, food hygiene and safety
- Begin with an in-depth look at the core fundamentals of baking and food safety. Topics covered include types and choices of ingredients, baking techniques, the fundamentals of fermentation and food safety, among others.
- Yeast doughs, fermentation and preparations
- Learn and understand the factors that influence yeast growth and finished dough structure. Topics covered include development, fermentation, proofing, shaping and patterns with products including baguettes, bagels, rolls and others.
- Breakfast and specialty breads using laminated and rich doughs
- Study laminated & rich doughs. Products such as croissants and brioche, among many others, are perfected. You will also be exposed to international viennoiseries styles such as stollen, pannetone and danish.
- Artisan Breads
- Development of starters such as Poolish and Sourdough are put into practice with products including rye bread and ciabatta, among others. You will also learn how to use specialty flours to address dietary restrictions.
The Honours Bachelor of Integrated Food Sciences 整合食物科學榮譽學位
During this 3-year Bachelor programme, students will develop critical thinking abilities around issues related to food and nutrition sciences, food safety, customer/client relationships and food management services. All inter-disciplinary courses will be taught by University of Ottawa professors and industry experts, and the culinary component of the programme will be delivered by the world renowned Le Cordon Bleu. Culinary techniques, menu planning, gastronomy, food services will complement the food science and management courses of the programme. In the final semester, the programme concludes with a practicum placement in Integrated Food Sciences which will give students an opportunity to explore and develop experience in a professional environment. Students will analyze and evaluate material acquired, engage with industry professionals outside the University and Le Cordon Bleu and develop a professional network to help launch their career.
Duration: 3 years
Entry requirements:
- High school diploma or equivalent (including completion of English, Chemistry, Biology and Math prerequisite courses)
- Proof of English proficiency for International Students who have not completed at least three years full time in an institution where English is the only language of instruction – aside from language courses (Language test scores are noted on the University of Ottawa admissions website).
- Letter of intention
- 18歲以上並通過資格考試
- 高中畢業或有高中畢業同等學力的資格
- 英語能力測驗合格
- 個人簡歷(需無烹飪經驗)
- 學習動機信
- IELTS 4.5
- TOEFL iBT 54
※ 以上資料若有異動,則以學校公告為主。
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